On 2nd July 2024, Minister Emma McBride, witnessed by key members of Mental Health Carers Australia and the National Consumer Alliance, made the historic announcement of the creation of 2 national ‘peak’ lived experience mental health representative bodies for Australia.

This thrilling announcement has crowned a victorious 30-year campaign by mental health consumers and carers for national peak bodies to be funded by the Commonwealth government.

The announcement was formally welcomed by Kerry Hawkins (Deputy Chair of Mental Health Carers Australia) and Priscilla Brice (CEO of BEING – Mental Health Consumers and Chair of the National Consumer Alliance) as well as MHCN’s own President, Jenny Learmont, who spoke of the importance of maintaining hope, when fighting for recovery or reform.

As a key member of Mental Health Carers Australia, MHCN will continue to work closely with our inter-state and national partners to establish a truly representative body that can place lived experience of carers and consumers at the forefront of change.

Read the media release here – https://buff.ly/3zw18WI

Carer Rights General News

4th July, 2024

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