The topics covered in Peak Speaks vary depending upon the needs of mental health carers or to reflect themes of key events such as mental health month.

In the past we have presented topics that cover everything from self-care and leadership strategies to creating space for carers from marginalized population groups to share their experiences and seek support.

Some of our topics have included:

  • Life as a Young Carer with Little Dreamers
  • Carers as Leaders: Exploring the many ways carers exercise leadership with Nat Ellis from Verge Collaborative
  • Tuning into Carer Lived Experience, a special event for Carer’s Week and Mental Health Month featuring the NSW Mental Health Commissioner Catherine Lourey, Mental Health Coordinating Council Principal Policy Adviser, Corinne Henderson, Suicide Prevention Australia Senior Policy Advisor, Caitlin Bambridge and Carer Lived Experience Representatives, Anne Stedman & Andrew Pryor.
  • Open Dialogue within the Australian Mental Health Sector, with Shubhangi Kaushik, Head of Partnerships and Programs at the Open Dialogue Centre, and a registered psychologist and Mark Hopfenbeck, Head of Training at the Open Dialogue Centre.

Peak Speaks takes place for one hour over Zoom and is a completely free initiative.

The webinars are held in an informal manner, designed to be flexible to fit in with your lunch break or caring duties. We invite participants to ask questions, share ideas and connect with the community.

If you or someone from your organisation would like to present at a Peak Speaks, please email MHCN at

Click here to view MHCN’s recorded Peak Speak episodes.

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