Our Board

Our board are dedicated advocates and lived experience representatives, who each bring unique perspectives and professional experiences to the governance of MHCN.

Policy Advisory Committee

The Policy Advisory Committee was initially established by MHCN in 2015 and included numerous carers with different backgrounds and experiences, including young carers, CALD carers, older persons, and BPD carers.

This year, MHCN is hoping to revamp its Policy Advisory Committee to comprise a core group of carer advocates and representatives who meet throughout the year to identify key areas for policy reform and carer issues. Watch this space!

Lived Experience Co-Design Committee

Through our Mental Health Carer Advocacy Network, we have recruited interested participants for our Co-design Committee. This committee involved sharing insights, experiences, and recommendations on MHCN’s work such as our training modules, programs, consultations, and reports.

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