Our Vision: Mental Health Carers NSW (MHCN) is the peak body for mental health carers in NSW for mental health carers, advocating for a Vision of safe and competent mental health services and systems that recognise and respect carers as partners in case planning and delivery, to achieve recovery.
Our Mission: MHCN’s Mission is to support, empower, capacity build, and advocate with mental health carers to ensure their voices and experiences are heard.
As a peak body, MHCN provides a strong voice for mental health carers, families, and friends to influence public and institutional policies and systems, such as:
- Conduct research and develop policy and advice to government and sector that is supported by aggregated and diverse experience.
- Advocacy and representation to government and decision makers.
- Distributing information within the sector and community.
- Sector and stakeholder consultation to understand on the ground knowledge and experiences.
- Sector capacity building to support better service delivery and community organisations.
- To help support and empower mental health carers, we also provide capacity building opportunities, educational events, webinars, and information.