1. Influence Policy Leadership & Reform

1.1 Develop and maintain new strategic relationships with policy makers, service providers and community partners.

1.2 Advocate for increased engagement of mental health carer experience and representation in reform and governance processes.

1.3 Support mental health carer advocacy, participation, and leadership in policy, co-design and service delivery processes.

1.4 Promote the importance of mental health carers voices and lived experience.

1.5 Advocate for a mental health system that is accessible and inclusive for mental health carers and those that they care for.

2. Community, Mental Health & Carer Services Development

2.1 Raise awareness of the value of increasing mental health carers capacity through education and information.

2.2 Recognise, respect, engage, and promote mental health carer lived experience in policy, and systemic and service reform.

2.3 Improve social inclusion of mental health carers and reduce stigma by informing and educating the community, health and human services sectors.

2.4 Advocate for and promote the importance of the role of mental health carer peer workers and lived experience peer workers.

3. Promote Mental Health Carers Capacity Development

3.1 Enhance the capacity and knowledge of mental health carers to navigate the mental health system through information, resources, training and peer support.

3.2 Foster innovation in research by collaborating with and facilitating relationships between mental health carers, researchers, and sectors.

3.3 Lead by example through engaging with mental health carers as partners in mutual support, advocacy and governance.

3.4 Develop new ways for mental health carers to engage and participate in MHCN and sector activities, to increase awareness and recognition of mental health carer experiences and expertise.


4. Continuous Organisational Development & Improvement

4.1 Provide opportunities for mental health carers to engage in policy and advocacy, capacity development, and share their stories and experiences through MHCN’s Mental Health Carer Advocacy Network.

4.2 Foster co-design within MHCN through consultation and co-design where able, to support MHCN’s policy and advocacy, capacity development, and engagement programs.

4.3 Identify sustainable funding resources to remove cost as a barrier to mental health carer engagement and participation, and to achieve organisatinal sustainability.

4.4 Review MHCN’s policy and advocacy, capacity development and engagement programs for continuous quality improvement and accreditation.

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