Location: Online
Address: Online
Catchment Area: Online
Eligibility: Carers
Supported By: Carer Gateway
Website: https://forum.carergateway.gov.au/s/groups https://forum.carergateway.gov.au/s/topic/0TO6F000000Wp5LWAS/introductions?viewMore=1
Contact Number: N/A
Main Contact: N/A
Availability: N/A
Additional Information: Carer Gateway is a nationwide gateway connecting carers of all ages with relevant support services. can provide a range of services to support YCs including: counselling, peer support, financial support packages (with a focus on empoloyment, education, respite and transport), coaching, emergency respite, info and advice.
Description: Online forum through 'Carer Gateway'. Provides specific forums for older carers,parent carers,young carers, CALD carers. Also has forums for specific carer concerns e.g. self-care, relationships, parenting, money/work, resources, managing health and tough times.
Support Categories
Young Carers
Support Types
Support Service