Location: Eastwood
Address: St Phillips Church Eastwood
Catchment Area: Northern Sydney LHD
Supported By: CCA NSW
Website: https://ccas.org.au/aged-and-disability/
Contact Number: Denise Hung-Aged and Disability Team Leader (02) 9858 3222
Main Contact: denise.hung@ccas.org.au
Availability: Meet Quarterly
Who Can Attend: Chinese: Cantonese and Mandarin Carers
Additional Information: Chinese Carers Group has combined with our Chinese Social Groups. Our Aged & Disability Care services are also available to carers and we cater for both Cantonese and Mandarin speakers. Due to the COVID lockdown, our social groups are on hold, but we have moved to online conference calls with our clients.The ”Times/Dates” on your website are also out-dated. I’m unable to provide you with the dates as we don’t know when the face-to-face social groups will resume.
Support Categories
Support Types
Support Group