Location: Port Kembla, Miranda
Address: The Salvation Programs Wollongong Corps Level 3, 11-13 Burelli St Wollongong
Catchment Area: Illawarra
Eligibility: Families, carers and consumers with drug and alcohol and/or mental health distress can share experiences.
Supported By: Salvation Army
Website: http://www.firstfloorprogram.org.au/our-support-groups/
Contact Number: 02 4229 1079, 02 9540 4460
Availability: Last Tuesday of the month - 6pm-8pm; 3rd Tuesday of the month - 6pm-8pm
Description: The First Floor Program offers a safe space to carers and consumers to share their experiences and information to support and empower one another. There are various activities involved such as drug and alcohol counselling, SMART recovery, case management, outreach programs, family conferencing, mentoring, parenting training, financial literacy, workshops, social outings, and professional workplace training (hospitality).
Support Categories
Regional / Rural Carers
Support Types
Recovery services
Support Services