Location: Chatswood
Address: Level 10/10 Help St, Chatswood NSW 2067
Catchment Area: Northern Sydney LHD
Eligibility: Must be accessed through eligibilty to Carer Gateway
Supported By: Yourside
Website: https://yourside.org.au/young-carers/?fbclid=IwAR1eakvX0Ye05T9Ap2oK90QetDSfBo0coTbKY5XbzsoCC2wZcZ0KKLfXBto
Contact Number: 1800 422 737
Main Contact: youngcarers@yourside.org.au
Description: Provide services to young carers through the Carer Gateway including peer support, counselling, tutoring, respite, driving lessons and in-home help. https://www.facebook.com/youngcarersofnorthernsydney/
Support Categories
Young Carers
Support Types
Service Provider