Date & Time

Stories create a shared understanding, share information, spread news, share ideas, educate, relate and inspire.

Purposeful Storytelling introduces participants to sharing their lived experience safely, in a way that protects themselves and others from physical/emotional harm.

This course covers the principles and practices that inform purposeful storytelling, elements to consider when crafting your story and how to prepare for sharing your story.

Purposeful Storytelling also explores the concept of self care and provides tips on how to implement self care into everyday life to avoid feelings of burnout, vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue.


About the Trainer, Anne Stedman 

Carer peer trainer, Anne Stedman, brings her passion, knowledge and lived experience of mental health caring to developing and delivering training workshops for MHCN. She has a BA and a Masters in International Communication, TAFE Training qualifications for Certificate IV Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Diploma Mental Health as well as has extensive volunteering experience and a keen interest in community development and empowerment.

Why Attend:

  • The training is FREE – so don’t miss out on booking your spot.
  • Flexible attendance options – we offer either in person sessions or online sessions on ZOOM, so that you can learn from a place convenient for you.
  •  Our training is delivered by a carer peer trainer who is empathetic and understanding and offers you the opportunity to meet and connect with other carers.
  • At the end of your session, you will receive a free learner toolkit. This is a invaluable resource which contains information on what you learnt in the training as well as relevant contacts and forms which you may require during times of crisis or when seeking support.
  • MHCN is the peak body for mental health carers in NSW, giving you access to a wealth of insider knowledge and experience gained over many years. This training gives you the opportunity to connect with us and learn more about the work we are doing.
  • You can provide feedback about the training, tell us what you would like to learn more about, how we helped or where we could improve.
For more information:

Email: Jade Curran –

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Date & Time

6th November 2023

Online on Zoom

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