The rights of LGBTIQ+ people who are accessing mental health services

The NSW health system recognises that LGBTIQ+ people, whether consumers or carers, have the same rights as everyone in the community to receive health information, care and treatment with compassion, respect, kindness, and confidentiality (2). The Mental Health Act NSW 2007 (3) requires health services to take into consideration the special needs of people based on their sexuality and/or sexual identity.

The rights of LGBTIQ+ mental health carers

Carers of people who are LGBTIQ+ or carers who identify as LGBTIQ+ have the same rights as all carers, whether they are partners, family members, friends or kinship relations.

If you have been nominated by the person receiving mental health care as the designated carer, or, if the service recognises you as the principal care provider, you have the right to be consulted during mental health assessments and care planning meetings.

It is your decision if you would like to share information about your gender identity, sexuality, or relationship status with the service. If you choose to do so, you can expect that your information and relationship with the person receiving care and treatment is recognised and recorded by the treating team in the medical record. You can also ask to check that the information about you is recorded correctly in the medical record.

You can ask services if they have any policies and procedures in place to support LGBTIQ+ carers, and/or an inclusion policy, and if so, if you can have a copy of them.

You and the person you care for should be treated with respect and feel comfortable at every service that you attend. If you don’t like a service or don’t feel comfortable, you have the right to change services, make a complaint against the service or appeal a decision.

There are several organisations that have authority to hear your complaints and disputes. An important step is understanding which person or organisation you want to complain about, and what type of complaint you have. Carers can request to see an Official Visitor in the first instance. Further information around lodging complaints can be found here: (Chapter 10 Section D: Complaints organisations – MHCC Mental Health Rights Manual) 

To find other information on your rights as a carer, view the following resource – ‘Carer Rights’ – 

Finding the right supports for LGBTIQ+ people

LGBTQI+ organisations may be able to provide specialised support or referrals for you and the person you care for. When finding the right service, it is important to remember that many LGBTIQ+ organisations are not set up to support people with acute or severe mental health conditions. Specialist mental health treatment may be needed. If someone wants to refer the person you care for to an LGBTIQ+ organisation it is a good idea to ask questions about their services and how they match the person’s current mental health needs.

Intersex Peer Support Australia

Intersex Peer Support Australia is an intersex peer support, information and advocacy group for intersex people and their families.
Ph: 0498 393 038


Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) is a peer support group assisting parents, families, and friends of LGBTIQ+ people.
Ph: 1300 000 000


QLife is a telephone peer support and referral line for LGBTIQ+ people and their loved ones.
Ph: 1800 184 527

Sydney Bisexual Network

Sydney Bisexual Network is a volunteer run, grassroots organisation for bi+ people across Sydney.

The Gender Centre

The Gender Centre provides a range of services, including specialist counselling, psychological and other allied health services for the transgender, gender diverse and gender questioning community.
Ph: 02 9569 2366 or 02 9519 7599


TwentyTen provides a range of support and specialist counselling programs to LGBTIQ+ young people and their families and carers.


ACON offers confidential, free to low-cost, and state-wide counselling, care coordination and peer support for sexuality and gender diverse people, aged 18 years or older.
Ph: Consult the website for the phone number of the office closest to you.

BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation

BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation is the NSW peak organisation for Aboriginal Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual + Sistergirl and Brotherboy (LGBTQ+SB) Peoples and Communities.

Not all LGBTIQ+ organisations are mental health services, but they may help you to find the right one. For links to more organisations, please visit the following resource –


(1) Carers NSW,
(2) NSW Health LGBTIQ+ Health Strategy 2022-2027
(3) Section 68

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